Database of accidents in demining

The record of accidents and incidents
in Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA)

These events have occurred during non-conflict or post-conflict demining activities ranging from survey to post clearance Quality Control checks. Demining accidents and incidents include those events when an explosive hazard is discovered on land declared safe for release whether or not an injury results.

From the start of 2019, the
Database of Demining Accidents (DDAS)
has been formally taken over by the
James Madison University
global CWD data repository

Click on this link to gain access to the Humanitarian Demining Accident and Incident Database (AID) through the James Madison University (JMU) website. JMU have renamed the database to mark its change of custodian. This website will continue to be improved and updated until the AID data management systems are in place.

Storing records in a database

Most databases contain summaries of data that has either been simplified or manipulated (or both). The worst are recorded as a tick-box summary in a glorified spreadsheet by a clerk who does not understand the material being summarised. In humanitarian demining, the IMSMA and RAPID accident records are examples of saving simplified and incomplete data for no reason other than to say that a record has been made. No one has ever been able to rely on IMSMA or RAPID accident data to draw any reliable conclusions.

This site allows you to read historical accident and incident reports. Names are removed from the reports but they are not censored or selected to fit any bias. No reports are added based on anecdote or hearsay. For this reason, very few records describe accidents involving serving military personnel because those accident reports are rarely made public.

Click here to open a basic accident report template in Word.

Lessons Learned

Accurate accident and incident records should be kept in order to study them and learn how to avoid making the same mistakes in future. The fact that the most common causes of accidents recur repeatedly proves beyond all reasonable doubt that lessons are not being learned in Humanitarian Mine Action. Some of the more obvious lessons that can be derived are apparent in the training section of this site. Providing examples of doing things that are unsafe can be a powerful training aid when the consequences are severe and the example is real.

Suggested training uses and related DDAS reports

Downloads including accident case studies

Risk management in Humanitarian Mine Action,
separate script.

DDAS data as a driving force in humanitarian demining

Mines and ERW featured in accidents/incidents


All DDAS records
Records by year, since 2005
Records sorted by activity
Records sorted by country
Record 'notes'
Accidents or incidents?

Protective equipment may reduce injury but
avoiding accidents is the only way
to prevent injury.

For general information about Humanitarian Mine Action, click HERE.


© 2005-2019 DDIV/DDAS, Andy Smith, AVS, Humanitarian Mine Action Specialist, UK